hey there!

I’m Matt, and if you can’t already tell, I’m an actor.

Having graduated with a BA in Theatre, my passion is bringing a story to life. Nothing is more magical than seeing words from a page realized as a living, breathing person; so much so that the actor completely disappears, and you have no choice but to believe the character truly exists.

It still feels like magic to me.

Born in Florida, but raised all over the country, (thanks to parents who kept reinventing themselves,) I’ve always had a desire to be an actor. From an early age, I became involved in community theater, and from that point on I knew I needed to be telling stories. Even in Kindergarten, when asked to draw what I wanted to be “when I grew up,” I drew a pilgrim. You can imagine the teacher’s surprise when I then had to explain that I was playing a pilgrim on tv, because alas, I was an actor.